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COVID-19 has ruined everything since March. It was understandable that large gatherings with strangers were stopped because who wants a random person breathing on them during a global pandemic? Then the CDC and other health organizations said that more people were catching it from people that they are close to and love, such as family and friends. With the most vulnerable being older people and people with compromised immune systems. The first few months of staying at home went smoothly because I don’t think most people thought it would last as long as it has.

I know I thought I’d still have a summer and be back in school, but COVID had other plans.

How to travel safely for the holidays during COVID-19

Now that the holidays are rolling around, it is time for families to travel around the country to see each other and celebrate together.

In the era of COVID, this is ruining a lot of people’s plans. They have to ask themselves important questions:

Personally, for my family, we will still see my grandparents over the holidays.


We are all getting tested right before it’s time for us to leave and taking all the measures necessary to protect ourselves and grandparents from catching this virus. I think it is fine to see your grandparents and family as long as everyone is 100% sure that they are negative from the virus. As well as pretty much only stay around each other and remain socially distant from everyone else if possible. And only taking trips to places out of necessity, especially in the hot spot areas.

We are moving to the other side of the country soon and my father will be on sea duty. This is part of my life as a military child. My parents try to get us back to their hometowns to see and visit with our grandparents as much as possible.

Pump the brakes!!! We were planning to head out on November 21st, but those plans changed. As the COVID cases continued to increase and CDC’s recommendation of no travel, we are staying home. We will have a Zoom Thanksgiving instead.

Traveling on planes during COVID

Also, please don’t fly if you don’t have to. All of those lines and close contacts in the airport and planes were already a petri dish; now we’re in a global pandemic. I’m not saying that taking a road trip will decrease your chances of coming into contact with COVID because you’d be interacting with less people overall and can control who you’re around. BUT that is what I’m saying.

Dr. William Schaffner stated, When you drive, you have much greater control of your own environment and the people around you and so I would think it’s safer to drive in the present time.” (CNN)

A quick stop at a gas station or a run through a McDonald’s drive-through is a lot safer than a line at security. But if you choose to take a plane, follow all of the TSA safety procedures to protect yourself.

  • Wear a mask(properly) – (if you need more masks, click that affiliate link to the left. Thanks!)
  • Social distance – Stay as far away from others as possible (this is your excuse for not visiting “THAT” family member. Just saying, we’re REAL. CORRECT)
  • Don’t touch your face
  • And wash your hands often

Regardless of how you spend time with loved ones this year, whether in person or on zoom. Stay safe, stay healthy, and happy holidays!

Jasmine Jones
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