Sybil Jones

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Sybil is a warrior. A stroke warrior. She had an unexpected stroke while attending her husband’s farewell party on April 17, 2021. As a healthy, 43-year-old mother of 3 teenage daughters, she never imagined a stroke happening to her. She was doing what she does best: talking, laughing, and having a FABulous time when her life changed within a blink of an eye. She’s taken on a new mission to bring awareness to strokes–especially those uncommon cases such as hers; carotid webbing. You can connect with her at Stroke Talks to learn more about her journey.

A native of East Tennessee and a graduate of The University of Memphis, she attained her B.B.A. in Logistics and Marketing. She’s been married to her sailor for 21 years. Yeah, they met back in college because Sybil was running her mouth, cracking jokes, and he couldn’t take his eyes off her. lol That’s her side of the story, and she’s sticking to it. LOL

She’s avoided speaking in the military spouse community for years but has found herself dipping her big toe into conversations about milspouse life from time to time. One of her best attributes is her ability to talk to anyone about anything. Sybil believes everyone can inspire AND be inspired through others’ experiences and stories.

She wants MilSpouse Conversations™ to be a place for ALL military spouses to come together to be INSPIRED, CONVERSATE, share real and relatable conversations about all aspects of life and build friendships.

Sybil is the owner of MilSpouse Conversations™, and she’s ready to get CONVOLICIOUS.

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